Friday, March 4, 2011

Another one bites the dust!

So its Friday again, but it might as well be Wednesday!all the days seem to run together now a days.

Recently we have hired on a "helper" at work, well she lasted 9 days, and quit..... it was an easy job, i don't understand why she quit, she seemed to be eager to work, and works harder that most of us. I guess she wasn't cut out for this business after all. Oh well, NEXT!

Sometimes i think i have gone insane, after working 3 years (continuously) in this business i want to slit my wrist and just off a bridge while downing a bottle of pills, but every day i go in there and i smile my ass off, and answer every freaking stupid ass questions that comes across. I come home and I'm sooo tired mentally mostly. but the day must continues, i cant hit pause.. wait can i??

Kaylee is getting to be too smart! She understand more than any 4 years old should. her whys have now become "what does that mean?" or "why does that work that way?" which is wonderful but even i don't know everything, nor do i try to. I wish I was a kid again, rose colored glasses, when everything is Sunshine, and rainbows. ah i wish.... please please please? no?? OK fine.... thought i don't know i like the knowledge i have of the lessons i have learned through trials and tribulations.

so as most of you know i turn 29 in 4 months, is the ticking getting louder or is it me? I want other kid! so much that i think I'm getting antsy.. i know i know it'll happen when it happens, and it seems its not happening, which I'm totally happy with Kaylee... but how nice would it be with one or maybe 2 more kids?? but i learn that a miracle like that rarely comes when you plan it. oh well I'll be happy either way.

well this day winding down so goodnight all i am out!

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