Thursday, March 3, 2011

Well its another day, lately i have been feeling... well i don't really know what i have been feeling, i feel like sometimes i'm alone in this world, I know I have my family. but what is life without friends?? if you know me well enough (that is the REAL me and not some version of me i decide to show) you know I tend to not stick with the same people for long. See my issues is i see their flaws too quickly, I see the manipulations, and the back stabbing, and the gossip, and the way they treat each other and sooner than later i run, far far away. When we are young we are not picky about our friends, with age comes more selective friends, and now that i'm about a year an a half till 30, i seem to be fickle in friends selection. I know its my own damn fault and i cant blame anyone. Ive accepted this but will i change??? no probably not, i'll become more fickle with age, and you know thats OK with me. more time for me to write my book. and for those friends that have a kept near and dear... well where are you? it seems even my judgment in friends still has a flaw in it, cause it seems i like to chase my past a lot, and during that time, i wasn't sane 80% of the time. but those friends are far and few but i still occasionally do drinks and dinner to keep my sanity in check.... or at least as much in check as possible.

I over analyzed people.... even people i truly know cause i always think they have an ulterior motive..... and usually i'm right!

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